Smoked Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe

Smoked Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe


A small turkey will work best, so choose one 4 to 5 kg (8 to 10 lb). To season, you’ll need 65 ml (1/4 c) brown sugar, non-iodized salt, cream sherry and 5 ml (1 tsp) of garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, thyme, sage, rosemary, lemon zest and/or pepper to individual taste.


  1. Mix together brown sugar, salt, and rosemary and add cream sherry to make a thin paste.
  2. Brush paste in between meat and skin and on top of the skin.
  3. Season with other herbs to taste.

Smoking Method

  1. Preheat the Bradley Smoker to approximately 100°C (220°F).
  2. Using Pecan flavour bisquettes smoke/cook turkey for 2 to 4 hours depending on how strong a smoke flavour you want.
  3. Baste the turkey using juices from inside the cavity and continue cooking the bird, basting every hour for another 2 to 4 hours, until a meat thermometer reads 75°C (165°F).

To Serve

Carve up turkey and serve as part of a traditional Thanksgiving feast with stuffing, gravy, cranberry chutney, potatoes, brussel sprouts and yams. Bradley Smoked Acorn Squash would also work well with this menu. And do not forget the apple and pumpkin pies!