Beef Ribs vs Pork Ribs

I got the question from Allen Johnson about Beef Ribs vs Pork Ribs.  Personally, I am a big fan of Pork Ribs and prefer them to Beef Ribs. Beef ribs are typically chewier and fattier than pork spare ribs. Both Beef Ribs and Pork Ribs can be barbequed same way but use different spices.  The actual ribs themselves are also much bigger and meatier, as you can imagine a cow is much bigger than a pick. I also don’t know if I’ve ever seen a Beef Rib intact with other ribs, typically you see them cut up. I would like to know what everyone prefers to eat… Pork Ribs vs Beef Ribs?  Do you prefer to smoke them, grill them, or dutch oven them? Please leave your comments below!