Braided fishing line is a very popular option for many anglers, but what is the best way to spool it? Can you even spool braided fishing line on a something like a spinning reel? There are actually many ways to do it, and many stores and shops will even do it for you.
But if you find yourself wanting to do it on your own, you have come to the right place! There are a few common mistakes that many anglers will make when spooling their own reels, and we will go over how you can avoid them!
How to Spool a Braided Fishing Line
The first thing you must understand before getting started is much different from other types of lines, and it cannot be spooled on a reel in the same way that something like monofilament fishing line can. Braided fishing lines will require the use of something as a “backer” to keep the line from slipping on the spool. This backer can also be used to help fill the entire spool, as the braided line is generally much smaller in diameter than other fishing lines.
If you do not add a backer to a fishing reel before you start to spool a braided line, you will quickly find yourself in the middle of a few problems. If you start to fish and catch one when you reel in a fish you will turn the handle and one of two things will happen. Either the fishing line won’t retrieve at all and roll onto the reel, or it will retrieve and then start slipping and lose all of the line that you just retrieved. Both are things that you do not want to happen!
This is why you must add some sort of backing to the spool of a fishing reel before you start to spool any braided fishing line. Some anglers will use something like electrical tape, making four or five passes around the spool, and covering the entire spool with a thin layer of the tape.
Other anglers will use monofilament line on the spool in order to provide a backer, as well as to help fill the spool completely. In case you didn’t know, fishing with a reel full of line performs much better when you are casting and retrieving.
Other tips to remember…
If you really want to be on the safe side, you can even use a combination of both! A thin layer of tape with a layer of monofilament line will provide you with more than enough backing to ensure that your line doesn’t slip when you need it most.
Once you have a proper backing, you can go ahead and spool your braided line just as you would any other fishing line. No matter what type of backing you use, just make sure you take the extra step in order to get the most out of your new braided fishing line!
Remember to check out the Bradley Smoker blog for new fishing and hunting guides all year round!