Oak Smoking Jalapenos To Make Delicious Chipotles

Got this great video from a man in Bristol, UK, about how to use your Bradley Food Smoker to Oak Smoke Jalapenos. This specific smoke is made to make delicious Chipotles. Thanks to duckboy1973 for the great presentation. 

This particular video shows the process to get Oak Smoked Chipotle Chili sauce  and I love that he’s in the backyard of his farm. He starts out with around 250 Jalapenos that he cuts into 1/4’s up to the top. As a result, the smoke will get up inside them. 

How to Make Delicious Chipotles

After 18 hours of oak smoking, you will have to dehydrate them at 140 degrees for 10 hours. Then, grind them up into a spice to make Oak Smoked Chipotle Chili sauce. And the best thing is that you can do all this with the 6 Rack Bradley Digital Smoker.

“Using fresh Jalapenos picked from our chilli farm in Upton Cheyney, Bristol, UK, this video is a Natch inspired (cider) production. Besides, it shows how to smoke your own Jalapenos with the use of an amazing Bradley Smoker. Enjoy and sorry about the Natch!”


  • 250 Fresh Red Jalapenos
  • Bradley Oak Smoked Bisquettes


Start by cutting you Jalapenos into 1/4′s. When you do this, make sure you are cutting up to almost the top, leaving it all together in one piece. This will allow the oak smoked bisquettes flavour smoke to go inside the whole Jalapeno. 

After that, set them in your Bradley smoker at 84 degrees for 18 hours.  After this, you will need to dehydrate them at 140 degrees for 10 hours to make delicious Chipotles. To make them, you can grid it up into a fine powder (like they do in the video) to make a spice for chili or many different things!

Thanks to Upton Cheyney Chilli Company for the great recipe.  If you would ever like your video posted on our blog, please use our contact form and we’d love to share your favorite recipe!

Got this great video from a man in Bristol, UK, about how to use your Bradley Food Smoker to Oak Smoke Jalapenos. This specific smoke is ideal to make delicious Chipotles. Thanks to duckboy1973 for the great presentation. 

This particular video shows the process to get Oak Smoked Chipotle Chili sauce  and I love that he’s in the backyard of his farm. Furthermore, he starts out with around 250 Jalapenos that he cuts into 1/4’s up to the top. As a result, the smoke gets up inside them. 

How to Make Delicious Chipotles

After 18 hours of oak smoking, you will have to dehydrate them at 140 degrees, for 10 hours. Then, grind them up into a spice to make Oak Smoked Chipotle Chili sauce. And the best thing is that you can do all this with the 6 Rack Bradley Digital Smoker.

“Using fresh Jalapenos picked from our chilli farm in Upton Cheyney, Bristol, UK, this video is a Natch inspired (cider) production. Besides, it shows how to smoke your own Jalapenos with the use of an amazing Bradley Smoker. Enjoy and sorry about the Natch!”


This recipe requires 250 Fresh Red Jalapenos and Bradley Oak Smoked Bisquettes.


Start by cutting your Jalapenos into 1/4′s. When you do this, make sure you are cutting up to almost the top, leaving it all together in one piece. This will allow the oak smoked bisquettes flavour smoke to go inside the whole Jalapeno. 

After that, set them in your Bradley smoker at 84 degrees for 18 hours.  Then, you will need to dehydrate them at 140 degrees for 10 hours to make delicious Chipotles. To make them, you can grid it up into a fine powder (like they do in the video) to make a spice for chili or many different things!

Thanks to Upton Cheyney Chilli Company for the great recipe.  If you would ever like your video posted on our blog, please use our contact form and we’d love to share your favorite recipe!</p