While it may seem like a simple concept, it is actually one of the most important aspects of bowhunting: when do you draw back your bow when you are on a deer? There are plenty of times when a deer is finally in bow range and has no idea that you are there. You start to draw back your bow and the deer flees. So what happened? And how can you avoid it happening in the future? Let’s go over when you should and shouldn’t draw your bow on deer!
Opportunities to Draw
There will be certain opportunities to draw back your bow that you can capitalize on if you are paying close attention to the deer as they come in. For example, if they are going to walk behind a large tree or a strand of bushes this can give you a great chance to quickly pull back on your bow. The eyesight of the deer will be blocked, giving you a quick chance to evade it. Deer rely on their vision to spot predators, and any movement will be quickly seen. If the deer’s vision will be blocked at one point or another, take advantage of the opportunity!
The deer could also look away from your direction at any given time, and this could be the moment for you to draw as well. This is why it is so important to stay ready and vigilant when deer hunting, especially when there is a deer within the bow range.
Observe Deer Behavior
Whitetail deer always seem to be on high alert, so it is important to wait to draw your bow after you observe them for a bit. Since deer are constantly scanning their surroundings, give it a minute to see if they are calm or not. When they are calm, they will flick their tails, eat, smell things, and lick themselves. When on alert, they hold still and look and listen to their surroundings. If you try to pull back on your bow during this time, the deer will most likely see or hear you and run away.
If you think that it is a good time to draw back your bow because the deer is calm and they will not see you, then try it out! The only way to truly learn this essential skill in bowhunting is by getting plenty of practice. Many hunters will practice drawing back their bow even on deer that they do not intend to shoot.
Final Thoughts
Knowing when to draw your bow on a deer is an important skill to learn and one that will take practice to master. Hopefully, now you will be better prepared for the next time you have to do it!
For more great ideas on how to fish and hunt from the experts, check out the awesome articles on our Bradley Smoker Hunting & Fishing Blog for more great tips & tricks.